Open the cap and uncover the enormous amount of energy stored in your legs. Learn to see and use them as the best helper. In every pose, from the obvious standing poses to inversions or arm balances, the legs have so much entity and presence that, single handedly, they can decided the fate of our asanas more so than any other body part. If you have tight hamstrings, thighs, knee/ankle issues, this class IS for you. If you can fall asleep in Splits, this class is ALSO for you. We’ll study lots of stretches, ways to work with them to gain flexibility/mobility. We’ll also start to tap into their vast potential, planting some seeds so our practice can grow from there.
Led by Carmen Aguilar from The Lab in Chicago.
Cost: Full Workshop: Early Registration: $160, Regular Registration: $200
Single class: Early Registration: $45; Regular Registration: $55. Early registration ends January 7.